Hormone Wisdom Outline

Hormones are the language of our body

Learn the language of your feminine body and with it the tools to take care of your hormone health. Hormones turn us on in ever sense of the word. They are the connectors that ignite our ability to thrive, and they are our physical and emotional barometers. By learning to understand our hormones we learn what our body is trying to tell us. The Hormone Wisdom Course is a self-led course comprised of over 40 videos and thorough notes covering the essential information and tools needed to start your hormone healing journey. Hormone Wisdom provides you with a deep understanding of how your menstrual cycle and endocrine system work, what is causing hormone havoc, as well as the hormone thriving tools all women should have access to. If you don't have access to paypal please email me [email protected]

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Hormone Wisdom

  • 2

    Why Have Our Hormones Gone Cray Cray?

    • Healthy hormones don’t have unhealthy symptoms

    • Why do we have an epidemic of hormonal disorders?

    • What's the link between chemicals and hormonal issues?

    • Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals affect on Hormones Notes

    • The Contraceptive Pill and other Synthetic Hormones

    • The Pill and Synthetic Hormones Notes

    • Contraception Conception and FAM

    • Estrogen Dominance Notes

    • Detox Support Notes

  • 3

    Our Beautiful Mooncycle

    • Understanding our Reproductive Cycle

    • The Intricate Beauty of Ovulation

    • Our Beautiful Mooncycle Notes

    • Working with your cycle

    • Working with irregular cycle

    • PMS & PMDD

    • PMS & PMDD Notes

    • Reproductive cycle support

    • Mooncycle Support Notes

    • Blood Sugar Stability Notes

    • Shaped by Body Beliefs

    • Following Our Rhythm

    • Sacred Cycle Expressions

    • Sexuality and Hormones

  • 4

    Reproductive Disorders

    • PCOS

    • PCOS Notes

    • Insulin Resistance

    • Insulin Resistance Notes

    • Menstrual Irregularities Notes

    • Endometriosis

    • Endometriosis Notes

    • Fibroids

    • FIBROIDS Notes

    • The Thyroid

    • Thyroid Notes

    • Breakthrough Bleeding Notes

    • Postpartum Hormones

    • Perimenopause and Menopause

    • Perimenopause and Menopuase Notes

    • Breast Wellness

    • Breast Support

    • Why do women often have low iron?

  • 5

    Stepping Out of Survival Mode

    • The Stress Story

    • Adrenal Fatigue

    • Nervous System Regulation Techniques

    • The Affects of Stress Notes

    • Nervous System Regulation Notes

    • Stress Support Notes

    • Creation versus Production

    • The Importance of Sleep

    • Sleep Support Notes

    • How physical tension affects hormones

  • 6

    Getting to the Gut of It All

    • Getting to the Gut of Things

    • Inflammation

    • Gut Healing and Inflammation Notes

    • Gut Nasties Notes

    • Liver Longevity

    • Liver Longevity Notes

    • Food and Hormones

    • Probiotic foods

    • Feeding Our Hormones Notes

    • Cravings

    • Stomach acid and hormones

    • Detoxification

    • Relationship to Food

  • 7

    Grounding Your Journey

    • Relationship to Nature

    • Starting Your Hormone Healing Journey

    • The Hormone Vitality Plan

    • Closing words

It's time to start your Hormone Wisdom journey